Year in Review: Selected Works by Librarians and Staff

The names of William H. Hannon Library librarians and staff are in bold. Conference presentations are in chronological order within the author entry.

Conference Presentations

Andrade, Raymundo, & Murph, Nicole. (2023). “Who is Angela Davis? Building Relationships Through a Dynamic Library Exhibition.” Libraries Address Inequities Conference, Virtual.

Blas, Nataly, Byrd, T., & Villagran, M. (2024, February 27). “Collaboration Between SCELC and Member Libraries.” SCELC Deans and Directors Symposium, Los Angeles, CA.

Blas, Nataly, Conner-Gaten, A., Masunaga, J., Ramirez, Marisa, & Young, Jessea. (2024, February 29). “2023 People of Color in Library & Information Science Summit Impact Report.” SCELC Colloquium, Los Angeles, CA.

Jackson, John M. (2024, February 29). “You Don’t Need X: How Email Marketing Triumphs over Social Media Noise in Campus Communications.” SCELC Colloquium, Los Angeles, CA.

Lewis, Ron, & Mitchell, Jason. (2024, May 16). “Thank You for Being a Friend! Acquiring Wisdom in the First Year Post-Migration.” ELUNA 2024 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Murph, Nicole. (2023, July 21). “Cruel Optimism in Becoming a Librarian.” People of Color in Library & Information Science, Los Angeles, CA.

Ramachandran, Shalini, & Kurland, M. T. (2024, April 5). “Designing Technology to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the Higher Education Landscape: A Case Study Using VR Chemistry Labs.” Asia Pacific Americans in Higher Education Annual Conference, Oakland, CA.

Rincón, José, Ramos, M., Zhuplev, A., & Vazquez, M. J. (2023, July 10). “Jesuit B-Schools: Powering Regional Socio-Economic Development and Problem Solving through Analysis and Application of Best Global Practices.” 28th International Association of Jesuit Business Schools World Forum Conference, Universidad Loyola Andalucía Campus Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.

Rincón, José, Akai, G., & Ono, D. (2024, April 3). “Recommendations to Internal Auditors Regarding the Auditing and Attestation of Mathematical Programming Models.” 52nd Annual Western Decision Science Institute Conference, Sonoma, CA.

Wen-Paloutzian, Rachel, & Poladian, L. (2023, October 25). “Histories and Futures Colliding: Learning in Liminal Spaces of Archives and Rhetoric.” The 2nd International Academic Conference of Yoobee College of Creative Innovation, Wellington, New Zealand.

Wiebers, L., & Becht, Cynthia. (2023, November 16). “Ignatian Pedagogy and VR Learning.” Center for Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.

Wiebers, L., & Becht, Cynthia. (2024, February 9). “Costume History and Virtual Reality (VR) Learning.” Teaching with Technology 2024, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.

Worthy, Danielle, Anders Tobiason, A., & Kurtz-Shaw, G. (2024, February 20). “Setting Students Up for Success with Lateral Reading Instruction.” 43rd Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, Seattle, WA.

Zhuplev, A., Valle, F., Rincón, José, & Plithides, M. (2023, July 14). “Jesuit B-Schools in the Competitive Landscape of American Higher Education” and “Building on Success: The Need to Change the Strategic Direction of Jesuit Business Schools to Increase their School Rankings and Student Enrollment.” 26th Annual Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education Meeting, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA.


Murph, Nicole, Williams, J., & Sicre, D. (2023, October 6 – October 30). “AfroLatines in Los Angeles: Unveiling Voices, Empowering Communities.” William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.

Panel Discussions

Caraballo, S. K., Cruz, S., Murph, Nicole, & Nagel, C. (2023, October 25). “Empowering AfroLatines in Los Angeles: Uplifting Communities” [Moderator]. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.

Zepeda, Lizeth. (July 2023). “Searching the Queer Latina Commons: Documenting the Legacies and Realities of Chicana/Latina Lesbian/Queer Librarians and Archivists.” Panel with Alcantar, C.M., Degado-Bernal, D., Borges, S. titled: “Holistic Humanistic Pedagogies: Praxis of Embodied Resistance and Community Resilience.” Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social Summer Institute, Davis, CA.


Albarillo, F., Kennedy, Marie R., & Brancolini, Kristine R. (2024). Assessment of the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship, Phase 2: Impact on the research productivity and careers of academic librarians. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 19(1), 4-34.

Archambault, Susan G. (2023). Expanding on the frames: Making a case for algorithmic literacy. Communications in Information Literacy, 17(2), 530-553.

Archambault, Susan G. (2024). Toward a new framework for teaching algorithmic literacy. Information and Learning Sciences, 125(1/2), 44-67.

Archambault, Susan G., Ramachandran, Shalini, Acosta, Elisa, & Fu, S. (2024). Ethical dimensions of algorithmic literacy for college students: Case studies and cross-disciplinary connections. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(3), 1-20.

Brancolini, Kristine R., & Kennedy, Marie R. (2024). A Model Research Methods Training Program: Implications for the Curriculum. In K. K. Matusiak, K. M. Bright and D. Schachter (Eds.), Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training (pp. 121-133). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

Braquet, D., Brooks, K., Shumar, A., Zepeda, Lizeth, Trott, L., Hale, M. (2024). Voices Out Loud: Archiving East Tennessee’s LGBTQ+ History. In H.L. Crummé (Ed.), Building representative community archives: Inclusive strategies in practice (pp. 55–95). Chicago: Neal-Schuman/American Library Association.

Conner-Gaten, A., Blas, Nataly, Masunaga, J., Ramirez, Marisa, & Young, Jessea. (2023). “POC in LIS Summit 2023 Impact Report.” William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University.

Kelly, K., & Jackson, John M. (2023). The Eras Tour of library marketing. Public Services Quarterly, 19(4), 302-308.

Murph, Nicole. (2023, September 27). A spectre in my home. up//root.

Murph, Nicole. (2023, July 7). Betty Joan Blackman: Embracing life outside the safe zone. LMU Library News.