Exploring the Works of Donald Sutherland

collage of donald sutherland film stills

The world of film and television lost an icon with the recent passing of Donald McNichol Sutherland, the Emmy, Golden Globe, and BAFTA-winning actor. At 88 years old, just shy … Read more

The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store: A Review

rhonda sitting in comfy chair reading a book

“The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride is a current bestseller and favorite of many book groups. The novel is a unique blend of literary fiction, historical fiction, … Read more

Picked Like a Rose: Silent Film Actresses

This summer, we are hosting a new exhibit, curated by Programming and Exhibitions Librarian Rhonda Rosen, “Picked Like a Rose: Silent Film Actresses.” Inspired by the song “Clara Bow” on … Read more

Featured Resource: The Interwar Culture Database

newspaper headline announcing Lola Ridge's death alongside a photo or Ridge

Today’s post was written by Michael Robinson. Michael is the circulation services late night supervisor for the William H. Hannon Library. During the day he pursues interests in playwriting, poetry, … Read more

Sage Resources on Artificial Intelligence

AI-created image of a robot in a library using a heads up display

LMU students, faculty, and staff have access to the complete suite of resources from Sage, which includes databases on research methods, business case studies, statistical datasets, educational videos in social, … Read more

Winners of the 2024 Library Research Awards

Now in their eighteenth year, the Library Research Awards recognize and reward Loyola Marymount University students whose research makes expert and creative use of the services, resources, and collections of … Read more

Announcing the 2024 IRDL Scholars

grid of the 28 scholars

We are pleased to announce the 2024 cohort of scholars for the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL) Online. This year, the William H. Hannon Library will virtually welcome … Read more