Escaping Filter Bubbles with AllSides

During our fake news workshop on January 20, students commented on echo chambers and the need for diverse and credible sources of information. Eli Pariser argues that filter bubbles will ultimately prove to be bad for democracy.

AllSides is one resource that can help students escape their filter bubble! AllSides focuses on political news, highlighting stories that are easily polarized and presented with bias. As you can see from the screen shot below, students can easily browse breaking news from the left, lean left, center, lean right, and right perspectives.


screenshot from allsides website

“Without exposure to different points of view, we can be manipulated into believing and acting in certain ways. When well informed, we are better equipped to solve our problems and build a more perfect union” (source). Looking for more alternative views? Check out the library’s Fake News Libguide for additional resources.

Today’s post was written by Library Instruction Coordinator, Elisa Slater Acosta.