Photo Description (above): Scholars from the inaugural IRDL cohort in 2014
We are happy to announce that the William H. Hannon Library, in partnership with the San José State University Information School and the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), has received a three-year grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to fund a follow-up to the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship. This $394,014 grant will fund “Building Research Capacity Among Academic Librarians: IRDL-2.” The project was one of 11 projects funded from 68 applications.
Sixty novice academic and research librarian researchers will receive instruction in research methods and a full year of support to complete a project. Participants will develop their research skills through participation in a summer workshop featuring in-class exercises and hands-on writing sessions as well as research studies conducted at their home libraries. The project team will deliver instruction; create a workshop environment; foster an environment of collegiality and support in the research process; facilitate the dissemination of results; and focus on new evaluative components to create a cost-effective, sustainable model for academic and research librarians to become skilled researchers capable of mentoring and collaborating with one another in their investigative work.