Found At The Library

This post contains highlights of the library’s collections by library staff and student employees. The Found series was initially posted as a series of short posts.

Found: Diccionario de Aztequismos

A marvelous little illustrated book of Aztec phrases. Found while browsing the reference collection. (Submitted by Mahnaz Ghaznavi, Curator of University Archives.)

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Found: The Venegas Family Papers

A family letter with one of the first known uses of the phrase “chicano.”

Miguel Venegas (1897-1994) and Dolores Venegas (1900-1991) immigrated to Los Angeles in 1927 from the Mexican state of Jalisco as refugees from the Cristero Rebellion (1926-1929), the revolt of Mexican Roman Catholics against the suppression of their religious liberties by Mexican president Plutarco Elías Calles. A Cristero himself, Miguel wrote this letter to his brother, Francisco, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, on October 30, 1928. Miguel, in his closing, offers salutations from Dolores (“Lola”) and his children, whom he calls “chicanos,” meaning that they are Mexican children raised in the United States. Miguel’s use of “chicano” provides valuable evidence for the history of this word amongst the Mexican-American community in the United States.

The Venegas Family Papers are available for research, and described fully in this online guide. (Submitted by Clay Stalls, Curator of Manuscripts for the Department of Archives and Special Collections)

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Found: Paradise Lost

John Milton’s Paradise Lost, illustrating the changing representation of Satan from the 1688 first illustrated edition to the 1866 wood engravings by Gustave Doré. Both editions are available in the Department of Archives and Special Collections. (Submitted by Cynthia Becht, Head of Archives and Special Collections.)

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Found: Ostrich pulling a cart at the Los Angeles Ostrich Farm, ca 1919.


Oh, how I wish L.A. still had an ostrich farm!

Image from the Werner von Boltenstern Postcard Collection, Department of Archives and Special Collections, Loyola Marymount University.

(Submitted by Jamie Hazlitt, Outreach Librarian.)

Found: Asian/Pacific Cultural Awareness Day Flyer


Beautiful handwritten flyer for the Asian Pacific Student Association’s Third Annual Asian/Pacific Cultural Awareness Day on Sunday, April 27, 1980. Access this flyer and other Student Affairs records through our University Archives, available in the Department of Archives and Special Collections. (Submitted by Cynthia Mari Orozco, Librarian-in-Residence).

Found: Medieval Cats by Kathleen Walker-Meikle.

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All you ever wanted to know about medieval cats. (Submitted by Cynthia Mari Orozco, Librarian-in-Residence).

Found: M.T. Cicero’s Cato major, or his Discourse of old-age, with explanatory notes


M.T. Cicero’s Cato major, or his Discourse of old-age, with explanatory notes. Printed and sold by one Benjamin Franklin, in Philadelphia, 1744.

Typeset in Caslon.

(Submitted by Alexander Justice, Reference Librarian.)